

Inggris Kapuas Square Park has a very neat form and decoration, so this place is often a means of refreshing for some of the general public of the city of Pontianak, especially in addition to the fountain is very beautiful, surrounded by staircase park alun- alun Kapuas and added with a replica of the Equator Monument that became the pride of the people of West Kalimantan province Indonesia Taman Alun-Alun Kapuas ini memiliki bentuk dan dekorasi yang amat tertata rapi, sehingga tempat ini sering menjadi sarana refresing bagi beberapa kalangan masyarakat umum kota Pontianak, apalagi di tambah dengan adanya air mancur yang sangat indah, dengan dikelilingi anak-anak tangga taman alun-alun Kapuas serta ditambah dengan replika Tugu Khatulistiwa yang menjadi kebanggaan masyarakat Provinsi Kalimantan barat ini

Video 2 cara mudah buat bunga dari kertas origami

Inggris Origami is a folding art that originated In japan. The material used is paper or cloth which is usually square.  An Origami result is a very thorough and Delicate work of the hands on sight Indonesia Origami adalah sebuah seni lipat yang berasal dari Jepang. Bahan yang digunakan adalah kertas atau kain yang biasanya Berbentuk persegi.  Sebuah hasil origami merupakan suatu hasil kerja tangan yang sangat teliti dan halus pada pandangan

Best Friend

Best Friend (Inggris) My best friend is Nataliaitut from Faculty of FKIP Department of Bahasa Indonesia, I met him at the time participate in the activities of the pier. he became my best friend because I often tell him and he can keep it secret. and I like him because of the humor and we often worship together to church. the thing that i like from him is he is cute and pretty. things he does not like sometimes he is forgetful. hope I hope he becomes my best friend and always support me and also hope we can finish college together and become successful person in the future. (Indonesia ) Teman terbaik saya adalah Nataliaitut dari Fakultas FKIP Jurusan Bahasa Indonesia, saya bertemu dengannya pada saat ikut kegiatan pendikar. dia menjadi teman tebaik saya karena saya sering bercerita dengannya dan dia bisa jaga rahasia. dan saya suka dia karena humoris dan kamipun sering beribadah bersama-sama ke gereja. hal yang saya suka dari dia adalah dia lucu dan cantik. hal yang tidak suk

Food Review

Food Review Drink Aloe Vera (Inggris) For indigenous people, aloe vera is more popular as a thirsty beverage and good for health. By the provider, another plant named Aloe Vera became the main selling and easy to find in Pontianak market. Drinks from aloe vera was widely served at the restaurant Pontianak. People who like to sleep with caught in the cold. In addition, one can also interfere with a vast plantation of aloe vera in Jalan Budi Utomo, Pontianak. (Indonesia) Bagi warga setempat, lidah buaya lebih populer sebagai minuman yang melepas dahaga dan baik untuk kesehatan. Oleh karenanya, tanaman bernama lain Aloe Vera itu menjadi jualan utama dan mudah ditemui di pasar Pontianak. Minuman dari lidah buaya pun banyak dihidangkan di rumah makan Pontianak. Biasanya pemilik restoran akan memadukannya dengan selasih dan minuman tersaji dalam keadaan dingin. Selain itu seseorang juga dapat menemui perkebunan lidah buaya yang sangat luas di Jalan Budi Utomo, Pont

Video 1

 (Bahasa Indonesia) kucing adalah salah satu pemicu kebahagiaan yang efektif. selain itu, kucing ini mempunyai manfaat bagi kesehatan manusia  kelebihan kucing ini terletak pada dengkurannya. bagi anda yang sudah biasa memeluk kucing pasti dapat mengenali dengkurannya yang khas. (english) cats are one of the triggers of effective happiness. besides, this cat has benefits for human health excess of this cat lies in its snoring. for those of you who are used to hugging a cat can definitely recognize his characteristic snores.

dreams or aspirations

My name is Heldegardes sapani the youngest child of two brothers. My goal in elementary school was to be a doctor, but after I was in junior high school. my dream to be a doctor faded because I did not dare with the sick like an accident, let alone hear the words of friends, "if so the doctor had to keep the corpse all night". That's where I'm afraid of being a doctor. But I am not interested in becoming a doctor anymore. After I graduated from Junior High School, I chose to continue my studies at Vocational High School, I chose the multimedia department. multimedia is a computer user to present and combine text, image sound, animation, audio and video aids (Tool) and (Link). and after I graduated from Vocational High School, I chose to study at UNTAN, the IE department, and I dreamed after graduating from UNTAN I wanted to work in the office and I wanted to have a private car to bring my parents and family on a walk. and I want to get a steady partner and love famil
1.  Bukit Kelam is mountain located in provinsi kalimantan barat, mountain this has an endemic. Kantong semar of the species  Nepenthes clipeata . The dark mountains stretch from west to east with altitude 1.002 mdpl. Bukit kelam is a giant rock,  this place is located 20 km from Sintang  and around 395 km from Pontianak Ibukota Kalimantan Barat. Bukit kelam adalah gunung yang terletak di Kalimantan Barat. Gunung ini memiliki tanaman endemik Kantong Semar dari Spesies Nepenthes Clipeata. Gunung Kelam membentang dari barat ke timur dengan ketinggian 1.002 mdpl. Bukit Kelam merupakan sebongkah batu raksasa.  Tempat ini terletak 20 km dari Sintang  dan sekitar 395km dari Pontianak ibukota Kalimantan Barat. 2.  SMK Negeri 1 Kelam Permai  is school SMK Negeri which is located in the Province Kalimantan Barat, Sintang. Uniqueness SMKN 1 Kelam Permai, so when we Photographed the scenes show.  SMKN 1 Kelam Permai adalah Sekolah SMK Negeri yang terletak di Provinsi Kalimant